Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt

 4 Phones in one picture
 A bracelet
 A cheeto
 A coach
 A happy moment
 A new pencil
 A photo from above looking down
 A photo from down looking up
 A red shoe
 A smell
 A sleeping student
 An office worker
 Blowing a bubble
 Kitchen workers
 Computer lab
 A member of the guidance staff
 A custodian
 An electronic message board
The flagpole
 Gym floor
 A messy desk
 School spirit
 A security camera
 Something cool in science class
 A student with a teacher
 Student parking lot
 A student playing an instrument
 A student making artwork
 Seaman artwork
 Students studying in the library
 Students/friends hanging out
 A student studying
 A student with a teacher
 A teacher
 Viking head
 Weight room
 Your choice
A blue bookbag