Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photoshop Collage

In my photoshop collage there are nine thing I love. The first one is my sister, I love her because she is my sister and my best friend. The next one is my Dad, I love him because we are really close and he is the best Dad anyone could ask for. The third thing I love is my mom, because she is always there to help me with something and unlike a lot of teenagers and their Mom's, we have an fantastic relationship. Another thing I love in the collage are my friends, Karsen and Michelle because they always have my back. The fifth thing I love the cross country team. I may be out for the season, but I go to every meet and they are like my second family. In the top right corner I put books. I love books because it give me something to do when I am bored. The seventh thing I love are my running shoes. If I am not dressing up for something, I always have them on. My car is the eighth thing I love because it takes me to school every day. The last picture I put on my photoshop collage was a boy. The boy's name is Cobb and he is a regular customer at The Wax House ran by Karsen McCarter.

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